The Stages of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs on the hard, outer layer of the tooth. There are five stages of tooth decay and the levels vary depending on severity. 1. Stage One: White Chalky Spots When initial demineralization occurs you might see white spots appearing on your teeth This visual that occurs is showing the areas of mineral loss…


The toothbrush you use matters!

There are a few general categories when it comes to toothbrush bristles.There is extra-soft, soft, and medium. Soft toothbrushes are generally recommended if you have no dental concerns. Toothbrushes that are too firm can negatively affect your teeth and damage your gums. It is also important to find a toothbrush that is comfortable for you…


April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

We want to help spread awareness by sharing some helpful facts, symptoms, and risks of oral cancer. It is estimated that almost 60,000 adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer annually (American Dental Association). Oral cancer can be particularly dangerous because it is often caught too late. Given this, it…


Mediastinitis and Dental Abscesses

The area between your lungs is referred to as the mediastinum, containing your heart, windpipe and esophagus. When this area becomes inflamed, this results in a condition called mediastinitis, which has been linked to dental abscess. Individuals facing this condition may experience shortness of breath, chills and/or fever. How are mediastinitis and dental abscesses linked,…
